Privacy Policy

The internet website available at is edited by Lampi AI, a company registered in the trade and companies register of Paris, headquartered at 66, rue des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris, France ("Lampi").

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide information regarding the processing of personal data by Lampi in compliance with article 13 of the GDPR.

We do not have a data protection officer, but you may contact us at the following email address :

For all legal general questions, please contact:

1. Definitions

‍Where drafted in upper case, the following definitions are applicable to the entire Privacy Policy.  

‍Lampi, We, Us, Our refers to Lampi AI

‍T&Cs refers to the terms and conditions applicable to the Website.

Users, You, Your refers to any data subject to the collection and processing of Personal Data by Lampi.

‍Website refers to the website, including all its subdomains.

Unless stated otherwise, definitions stated in the singular shall have the same meaning in the plural form. Any term defined in article 4 of the GDPR and mentioned in this Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning.

2. Foreword

‍Lampi believes that trust is the key to successful and lasting relationships. In this respect, the protection of Your Personal Data and privacy is no exception. For this reason, Lampi takes great care to collect and process Your Personal Data only with the utmost care and in strict compliance with the applicable legal framework.

In drafting this Privacy Policy and making it available to Our Users, We intend to fulfill Our duty to inform data subjects within the meaning of articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation EU (2016/679) of the EU Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”).

This Privacy Policy will describe how Your Personal Data is processed when You navigate the Website.

3. Our role; other recipients

‍Lampi acts as a data controller regarding User’s Personal Data. Lampi shares Your Personal Data with service providers who assist Lampi in fulfilling the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. As Lampi's subcontractors, such service providers may have access to Your Personal Data for the sole purpose of carrying out the specific tasks assigned to them.

While we collect personal data, we share this data to the following services and companies:

- Google Analytics, in order to have a better understanding of the use of the Website by our Users.;

-, in order to manage the waitlist.

In any event, Lampi will only disclose Your Personal Data to the above-mentioned recipients on a strict need-to-know basis and only to the extent necessary to achieve the identified processing purposes.

If Lampi considers that it is not necessary to keep Your Personal Data in its active database, Lampi will archive it and ensure that access to it is restricted to a limited number of persons with a genuine need to access the Personal Data.

4. Data We collect; Purposes and legal basis

Waitlist signing. Lampi intends to offer access to its services through a waitlist (the “Waitlist”). Waitlist places are offered on a first-come-first-served basis, strictly by the date of joining the waiting list, except as indicated in the referral program. We collect and process the following Personal Data that You communicate to Us:First name;Last name;Email;business information (company’s name).

The legal basis for this processing is (i) Your consent and (ii) the need for Lampi to perform a contract to which You are a party (Our T&Cs).

‍Navigational information. In order to enhance the User experience, We want to understand Your interactions with the Services. Therefore, We need to analyze various navigational information collected through Cookies to analyze performance related to Your use of the Website:

- Unique identifiers (browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system);

- Interaction information (IP address, system activity, date and time of the requests);

- Pages and services You browse on the Website.

To do so, We rely on Our legitimate interest to (i) understand how Our Website is browsed by Users; (ii) improve the Website; and (iii) detect and prevent fraud or security issues with Our Website.

‍Communications. We collect and process Personal Data in order to respond to any questions, requests or feedback that Users may submit to us, including:

- First name, last name, and email address;

- The content of the message that You send to Us.

This processing is based on Your consent to Lampi's legitimate interest in managing its relationship with Users. The communication of this Data is necessary for Us to answer Your requests.

5. Data storage

‍We keep Google Analytics data for 4 months, after which data is aggregated.

We keep other Personal Data for a period of two years following the collection, after which the data is deleted.

If the Company considers that it is not necessary to keep your Personal Data in its active database, it will archive it and ensure that access to it is restricted to a limited number of persons with a genuine need to access it.

6. Your rights

‍Users are informed that they have the following rights regarding the processing of their Personal Data, under the conditions provided for in articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR:

- A right of access to the Personal Data collected by Lampi;

- A right to the rectification and/or erasure of the Personal Data collected by Lampi;

- A right to the restriction of the processing;A right to Personal Data portability.

According to French privacy laws (articles 84 to 86 of Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978), Users also have the right to specify instructions defining how Lampi shall manage Person Data after their death under the conditions of such law. Although You have rights, the exercise of such rights is not unlimited; each of the rights offered by the GDPR may be subject to specific conditions. This being said, in order to exercise their rights or for any question on privacy, Users shall make a request accompanied by a proof of their identity by email at Lampi.

We will process the requests within a reasonable timeframe taking into account the complexity and the number of requests. We shall strive to reply without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receipt of the request. Finally, Users have the option to refer to the competent supervisory authority, the French Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (“CNIL”), in order to submit a claim. Contact information of the CNIL can be found on its website.

7. Security

‍The Company has implemented measures to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of your personal data, against unauthorised access and disclosure, modification, alteration, damage, accidental loss or accidental or illicit destruction, as well as against any other form of illicit processing or communication to unauthorised persons.

Access to personal data is restricted to those employees, partners and service providers who need to know the information, to whom we impose strict security and information protection rules.

All persons with access to Personal Data are bound by a duty of confidentiality and may be subject to disciplinary action and/or other sanctions if they fail to comply with these obligations.

However, the Company cannot guarantee you against any loss, destruction or damage of your personal data. The Company is not held, or able to carry out a safeguard of your data present on your personal space.

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of the User's Personal Data is compromised, Lampi undertakes (i) to notify the CNIL of the breach within Lampi hours of becoming aware of it and (ii) to inform the person concerned as soon as possible when the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of that person.

8. Cookies

‍A cookie is a small computer file playing the same role as a tracker, stored and read for instance at the moment where a website is visited, an email is read or a mobile app is used, whatever the device used. In compliance with EU privacy regulations, Users are informed that “non-essential” cookies may be deposited on their device without their consent. Non-essential cookies include (i) cookies having as their essential purpose to allow or enable electronic communications and (ii) are strictly necessary for the provision of online communication service.  

9. Changes to the Policy

‍We might review and update this Policy. Any changes Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to Our Privacy Policy.It is important that the Personal Data We hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if Your Personal Data changes during Your relationship with Us.